My Reid(six).

My sweetness, sweet Reid.

A closeup of Reid

He is my at-home, easy-going, go-with-the-flow, laughing, try anything one time, informal kid.

Life is light around Reid, except for 2 burning questions that he takes VERY seriously.

Who will he marry?

What is he going to be when he grows up?

I try to mention that both these things are not urgent bug at the age of six, simply he gets a very serious look on his face, furrows his brows a scrap and ponders them deeply.   These are non questions that he takes lightly.

Mommy, WHO can I marry?

Reid, don't worry about that.   You don't have to decide for many years.

But mom, I am going to take to marry someone.

Well, you don't HAVE to get married, but yes, that determination will come up in many, many years.

I merely can't decide!

Don't worry virtually it ¦what about that girl from your course that we ran into the other 24-hour interval.   She was cute.   Maybe someday yous volition ally her.

Mom!   She talks in form WITHOUT raising her manus.   I tin't ally her!

Well, at that place might exist some other girl in your class that yous could ally.

I don't know ANY of those girls well enough to marry them!


Well, he has a bespeak in that location.   He really HAS been thinking this through.


And then there was this the other day while driving home from school ¦

Mommy, I have figured out what I want to be when I grow upwardly.

Oh good.   What is information technology Reid?

I am going to be an Army man.

Oh that sounds similar a actually proficient idea.

I am going to wing fighter planes.

You lot would be really adept at that.   I think that will be groovy.

Ryan(8):   REID.   You MAY NOT BE AN Army Man.   It IS DANGEROUS.   AND Flying PLANES IS DANGEROUS As well.   YOU MAY Non DO THAT.   I Will Non LET YOU DO IT.

I Will Non ALLOW IT.


Poor Reid.   Dorsum to square one on both questions ¦