How to Upload a Minecraft World to Realms

Although in that location is something to be said for starting with a fresh map, information technology's easy (and fun) to upload an entire world to your Minecraft Realms server–whether it's a earth you created yourself or downloaded online.

Why Would I Want to Do This?

Minecraft Realms is the official server platform from Mojang, the company backside Minecraft. Information technology's a great user-friendly style to host a remote server for you and your friends (or your child and their friends) to play Minecraft together.

RELATED: How to Set Upward a Simple No-Stress Minecraft Server with Minecraft Realms

In our guide to getting started with Minecraft Realms, we highlighted how to create a new earth or populate your Minecraft server with the Mojang-supplied maps, but now we're back to show you how you lot can upload your own worlds.

Not just does this allow you to upload a world that you've been working on (either with friends or solo), simply yous can also download maps from the Internet that other industrious builders have filled with their cool creations for you lot to explore.

Let's take a look at what y'all need to do earlier uploading your maps and where you can notice additional maps online to upload to your Minecraft Realms server.

First, Update Your Maps (If Necessary)

Minecraft Realms uses the most up-to-date public release of Minecraft. Equally of this tutorial that'due south version 1.8.nine, only Realms volition roll over to 1.9 as shortly information technology is released.

RELATED: How to Upgrade Your Old Minecraft Maps for Seamless Transitions to New Biomes

Ideally, you'll use a map that's from a current version of Minecraft. If you lot have a map from an old version yous want to employ (east.g. yous've been playing on an former one.half-dozen.iv map for years but now you lot want to upload information technology to Realms) you tin certainly do and then, but be aware that you might meet some issues.

The most obvious effect revolves around really ugly clamper updating where the edges of the currently explored map (generated with the old world engine) crash-land into the new areas (which will be generated with the new world engine). If y'all're in such a situation where you'd uploading a very old map, nosotros'd highly recommend checking out our guide How to Upgrade Your Old Minecraft Maps for Seamless Transitions to New Biomes.

For many players, though, sometime maps aren't a huge business, and simply uploading their existing world map will exist merely fine. Nonetheless, it's adept to know about the nuances of the process so you're not surprised later on when your map looks stranger than you recall.

With that pocket-size caution out of the manner, allow's look at where you lot'll observe your local maps and where to find absurd maps online before showing you lot how to upload them correct to your Realms server.

Locate Your Local Save Directory

The first footstep in uploading any map, exist it your local histrion map or a custom downloaded map, is but locating the world save directory on your PC. Nosotros've detailed locating and backing up your Minecraft file in How to Backup Your Minecraft Worlds, Mods, and More just nosotros'll epitomize here for ease of reading (and to get yous up and running faster).

Although your world saves might be in a dissimilar location if you're using a custom launcher like MultiMC, here are the default salvage locations on major operating systems:

Windows %appdata%\.minecraft\saves\
Mac OS 10 ~/Library/Awarding Support/minecraft/saves/
Linux /abode/[username]/.minecraft/saves/

Within the \saves\ folder, yous will find a unique folder for each earth save named after the world itself (e.g. \saves\My Commencement World\). Recall of the folder similar a container that holds all the of import data nigh your earth, including the world map and the accompanying metadata.

Now would be a great time to make a fill-in re-create, in a prophylactic location, of your globe data. Uploading the earth won't make any changes to it, and once information technology is on the Realms server no changes will be made to your local data. But nonetheless it's always adept to go far the habit of making backups of any digital projects, similar big Minecraft maps, yous've invested a lot of fourth dimension in.

Fifty-fifty if you don't programme on uploading a map you've personally created and you desire to jump right into downloading custom content, make note of this directory, as it is of import to the whole uploading process.

How to Find and Download Cool Maps Online

While uploading your own creations liberates the builds you've worked on then hard on, every bit fun is finding absurd custom maps online and uploading them to explore with your friends. If you're only uploading your own world, y'all tin can skip this section, since the uploading process is the same for both. Just if you want to find new content to play with, we'll talk about that here.

If you want a good overview of different map types, like adventure and parkour maps, cheque out Lesson 13 from our detailed Minecraft Geek School series: Downloading and Installing Custom Maps.

Our two favorite locations, both on business relationship of their wide selection and their longevity, are PlanetMinecraft and MinecraftMaps. Betwixt the two websites, you'll find thousands of maps you can have for a spin.

At Planet Minecraft y'all'll find world saves to download in the Projects category; make sure to use the drop down carte and filter the projects category by "world saves" to weed out the myriad of other projects (like videos and earth seeds). You can further narrow your search by filtering via project blazon to narrow it down to but hazard/challenge maps, sure structure types, and and so on.

MinecraftMaps is a trivial bit easier to navigate if for no other reason than, as the name implies, there'south cipher there but Minecraft maps to download. With both sites, the only affair to really await out for is the version number of the map. If you sort by downloads/popularity, for example, y'all'll often find very old Minecraft maps from 3-iv years ago that take been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times but may or may not have been updated for newer versions of the game.

Today, we're downloading an adventure map and so we tin do a little adventuring with friends. Then we've selected the Le Gran Maze map from MinecraftMaps and will be using it for the next pace in the tutorial, uploading the map to Minecraft Realms.

Regardless if which globe save or map you've downloaded, you need to extract the .Cypher file yous downloaded into the Minecraft /saves/ directory on your PC (which we located in the previous section of the tutorial). Take a moment to practice and then now.

How to Upload Your Map to Minecraft Realms

Whether you've grabbed your own personal map, or combed through lists of maps online to discover the perfect one, it's fourth dimension to upload it to your Realms server.

Note: If y'all oasis't fully set up your Minecraft Realms server and/or need some help with the basic navigation, do bank check out our guide to getting started with Minecraft Realms earlier proceeding.

Launch Minecraft and select the "Minecraft Realms" button to admission your Realms.

Select the configuration icon, the large wrench, of the Minecraft Realms server you wish to upload your map to (for virtually folks it'll be the merely selection available).

Once inside the configuration menu of your Realms server you need to either select an bachelor empty slot, every bit seen higher up, or unload/delete 1 of your worlds to brand room for your new map.

After selecting your empty map slot you lot'll be prompted to select what you wish to do with it; select "Upload world".

In the selection screen you'll see worlds listed merely like you do in your unmarried player menu. You'll detect that entry we've highlighted above has two names: "world" and "Le Gran Maze i.8". Minecraft world saves have two names: the name embedded in the salve file and the proper name of the folder they are in. When you download maps from the Internet, they frequently have generic names like "world" but you can always customize the proper noun of the folder, as we did, for piece of cake identification.

Select the world you lot wish to upload and then click "Upload". After the upload reaches 100 percent and your globe file is verified, select "Done".

You'll return to the master Realms configuration screen, seen above, and you'll be prompted to select which world you wish to load. The previously empty World 3 slot now has our new world uploaded into information technology. Don't be alarmed if you've downloaded a spaceship map or some such thing and you see a generic looking landscape (as seen in the screenshot higher up). The thumbnail for uploaded worlds is created using the world seed and disregards whatever structures have been congenital in the world or changes the map creator has made.

Double click on the map to load information technology and you're in business organisation. Savour your new map and exist sure to tell your friends there's something new to check out on your Realms server.

Have a pressing question about Minecraft or your Realms server? Shoot us an email at and we'll do our best to answer it.


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